Tour de Roga 2024 - Rogaining Adventure tour de roga 2024 vessö porvoo rogaining

Supreme Söderkulla

Until 28.6.2023

29.6- 30.7 30€
31.7-16.8 35€ 40€

4h FOOT, 4h MTB
Until 28.6.2023

29.6- 30.7 40€
31.7-16.8 45€ 50€

Until 28.6.2023

29.6- 30.7 60€
31.7-16.8 70€ 80€

ROGAINING is a fun way to explore the beautiful nature, experience an adventure sport, practice map reading and navigation, and improve your fitness.

  • Run, jog, or walk – you set the pace
  • By yourself, in a team, or as a family
  • Fun adventure or a competitive challenge and race
Collect as many points as possible within the competition time by finding controlpoints of unequal value.

  • Before start, the teams have 2 hours time to plan the route.

  • The competition area covers about 60 km2 and has about 80 controlpoints of different values.

  • The controlpoints are mostly placed on interesting, beautiful or unique locations worth visiting.
  • If you're late back points will be deducted for every minute you're over the cut-off time.

Free team participant changes as late as the day before the race
Competition center
The event center is located in the centre of the competition area at Söderkulla Manor.

Adress: Söderkullavägen 710, 01150 Söderkulla.


The accessibility to the event center is good.
Driving time by car is about 15 minutes from the Helsinki-region. Parking is located in the competition centre.
Omnibus F848 stops at Kallbäck bus-stop from where it´'s 1km walk to the event centre.
Follow the signs and the parking-guides instructions. Be in time :).

Punching system (2h, 4h, 8h and 4h MTB)
The web-based GPS-punch application is used in the series. The controlpoints have a code strip with a four-digit code in addition to the control number. The four-digit code is entered into the application, and the stamp is accepted, which means that each team needs a smartphone with them. A backup phone is also recommended. 


This will take a few minutes.
You can do the preparations already at home, before going to the competition.
1) Open the page on your smartphone:
2) Select the event: Supreme Söderkulla 19.8.2023
3) Choose your own series in which you compete
4) Create a New Team (Luo uusi joukkue)- write your team name (Nimi), members (Jäsenet) and email (sähköpostiosoite).
 Press SUBMIT, after which the punching website will open and you are ready to punch the controls you find during the race.
5) When you find a control: enter the four-digit code in the ID field (Rastin tunniste) and press LEIMAA.
Your punch is registered. 
The four-digit code is on every control unique and is located at the controlflag: e.g. 31-3145.
 In the example, number 31 is the code on the map and 3145 is the code to be entered into the punching system.

If you accidentally close the website, don't create a new team. Do this:
1) return to the site:
2) Select event : Supreme Söderkulla 19.8.2023
3) Choose your own series in which you compete
4) Select your team directly from the menu and press CHOOSE
5) Continue the adventure
The punches are registered in the results service in real time. Friends and fans can follow the score situation even from the sofa at home.;)

You get points of finding the controls that are marked on your competitionmap. Each control on the map has its own code. The point value of the control is determined by the first number of the code. Codes 60-69 give 6 points, codes 100-109 give 10 points etc.
Each starting minute that the competitions are late to the finnish leads to two (2) point deduction. Being more than 30 minutes late leads to disqualification.

Control point
The control points are marked with a 30x30 white-orange orienteering flag and a code strip.

Competition info
The competition materials are given at the competition info.

Course planning
The Manor has indoor facilities for planning. You can also do the planning at your car.

Control descriptions
You can get the control descriptions at the information desk.

Shower and toilet
There's toilets both outdoors and indoors. Do your needs in time to prevent queing. There's a nice location for swimming at Molnträsket (not far from the competitioncentre). 

Drinks and Energy
A table with salty snacks, sweets and drinks are at the finnishline. Longdistancers have a bit heavier stuff for refilling the energiloss.
Two water refill point will be placed in the terrain. The point is marked on the map with a drinking mug symbol.

We recommend following equipment for your journey:
- An extra mobilephone
- whistle
- a waterproof jacket
- a waterproof bag for the phone
- First aid stuff
- Drinks and energy drinks
Personal equipment in the MTB series in addition to the previous ones:
- helmet
We recommend that everyone download the 112 application to their phone. If the team suffers a serious injury, the team FIRST calls for help from the 112 service and then calls the "Race director" number on the map.

Competition map is in scale 1:20000. Meaning that one centimeter on the map is 200m in the reality. Countor interval 5m.
SRA3 (320mm x 450mm) sized map will be used. Each team gets one map per person. Plastics included.
The event uses a Rogaining map which is made as readable and fair for the competitors as possible. Map is an updated version of the map based on high quality digital cartography data from National Land Survey of Finland. 

Prohibited areas
Prohibited areas as private yards, agricultural areas, highways and dangerous areas are market on the map with follwing colors: Cultivated lands are on the map with bright yellow and private yard lands are marked in olive green color. Forbidden areas are with purple color. The roads marked on the map passing through private areas are permitted routes. 
Be extra careful passing over the road 170. 

Competition area & terrain

The 60km2 competition area is very diverse and great for interesting courses and checkpoints.


8 hours 
4 hours 
2 hours 

4 hours MTB

Registration for the event opens 26 of June, 2023.
Registration link:

Late registerations can be made by email or also at the event center. Register at latest "in good time before own start". 

Cancellation policy
In case of a cancellation, the organizers refund the team as follows: Cancellation done by 30.6.2023, 80 % is refunded. Cancellation done between 1.7-31.7.2023, 50 % is refunded. Cancellation done after 1.8.2023, no refund will be made.

The teams
Teams participating in the 8h  series consist of 2-6 people.
The teams participating in the shorter series consist of 1-6 people. The team must stay together throughout the competition, no more than about 30 meters apart.

4h MTB extra rule: 
It´'s allowed that one of the team members can stay guarding the bikes while the others visits the control. This gives more people chance to take part of the event:). 

The organizers do not have insurance for competitor's possible accidents or equipment damage. All participants act at the competitor's own responsibility.

Schedule of the event:
Saturday 19 August 2023
09:00 The competition center opens
10.00 the distribution of maps for all series begins
12.00 Start for all classes (2h, 4h, 4h MTB and 8h).
14.00 2h foot race finishes
14.45 Prize giving ceremonies 
16:00 4h MTB and 4h foot race finishes
16.45 Prize giving ceremonies
20:00 8h foot race finishes
20.30 Finnishline closes
20.45 Prize giving ceremonies
21.30 Event center closes  

Water points
Two water point are marked on the map.

Catering & maintenance
The purpose is to offer the participants a versatile nutrition and maintenance service at the competition center from the start of the event to the closing of the competition center.

Media and publishing
The competitors name and teams will be published on startlists and resultlists.

Photographers are taking picture and videomaterial at the competitioncentre and in the forest. As a participant you agree that picture taken of you can be used in the organizers publishings and marketingmaterials.
Participants are allowed to use organizers pictures and media in their own publishings on for example Social media. 

Accommodation and other local services
Check out Sipoo's services. More info added later.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
You can use the events tags also in your updates in the social media., so that everyone can follow also your preparations for the upcoming show😉.

Organizers of the event
The responsible organizer of the event is Get Outdoors oy/Rogaining. As partner and event enabler works
Extreme Endurance Athletics ry. 0407739449

Competition area:

tour de roga 2024 vessö porvoo rogaining Tour de Roga 2024 - Rogaining Xadventure